- Though wrong, it is a popular notion in the 2nd Scientific Revolution that the inner of the atoms is mostly empty space. The reason for this belief is because they imagine atom as a system of subatomic systems: the electron system revolving about the nucleon system. However, the fact shows no electron system revolving around the nucleon system. In fact, electron pierces in the atom not as separate system but as its extension so that the entire volume of the atom between the nucleons and balanous region is mostly full of beta-photons, suggesting that atomic electron is like a denting tooth.
- It is a sad thing that the notion persists over the fact. The notion is “the atom is mostly empty space” but the fact is “the atom is full.”
If adherents of atom-mostly-empty-space still exist in this 3rd Scientific Revolution, challenge them and ask: “Show me that atom is mosly empty space and I will show you the fact that atoms are full".
Valence electrons will be projected from one atom to the other. In the case of a magnesium atom, its valence electrons are usually two (represented here by a circular broken line) . The displaced valence triboßethreads are what we call “ionic electrons”.
The oxygen atom will ’smell’, by electrostatic photons, those valence electrons and attract them to be attached on & surround the atom.
At a short period of time, the two contorsionist electrons will completely engulf and then dented in the oxygen atom, increasing the size of the host (oxygen) atom and decreasing the diameter of the mother magnesium atom.
The transfer of valence electron of a sodium (Na) atom, however, is not complete and its upper layered electric threads when involved in table salt’s formation are stretching out at at least 6 directions (up, down, left, right, front, & rear) toward 6 chlorine atoms. One of those tribonic electrons is much bigger and will engulf 1 chlorine atom. The other 5 are apparently not enough to be the size of an extraferic valence that’s why they weakly connect on the 5 chlorine atoms, but they may pengraletically absorb the enduring foreign ultraviolet quantized photons and reduce the energy of the quanta. -
From their junction on the atomic nucleus, electric threads or beta photons are supposed to be whroled layer upon layer, forming the sphere of photons or pauli layers well known as the atom. Dented in this sphere, the junction between atoms is called pengralet (or electron bond).
In the illustration above, the beds of beta photons are the nucleons and are layered according to the order of the pengralets. Equal distribution of pengralets gives nearly perfect spherical shape of the atom. However, an atom can be distorted in shape by certain distribution of the pengralets, as shown below.
- Based on this quantum electronomical illustration, a distorsion on the atomic shape is due to unequaled numbers of pengralet from one side of the atom. To be near spherical, the pengralets must be evenly distributed.
This shape cannot be explicitly explained by assuming electron as an orbiting particle in the atom.
Atomic ionization energy (photons) is a key to undent the electrons from the alpha-photons, i.e., nucleon(s). The unlocked or undented electron projected away from the nucleon is conventionally called electron ion.
Molecules of Silicon & Germanium atoms (GXSM)
Silicon atoms (Indi in the Wired)
Sillicon (111) atoms (RHK-400 STM)
The compound is reacting with silicon spontaneously at room temperature, adsorbing bright Brominen atoms and dark spots of organic residues. The image (1,2-dibromobenzene on the Silicon-111 (7 x 7 surface) was obtained using an RHK-400 scanning tunelling microscopy.
At room temperature the 1-chlorododecane is adsorbed on the 7 x 7 surface of Silicon-111.
Individual silicon atoms are manipulated by an Atomic Force Microscope to write letters “ S i”.
Heat energy & ionization energy are both photons. Heat is the scattering-causing movement of the acohaeric photons (and opposite to cold, which is the gathering-causing or aligning-causing movement of the arepellic photons).
Every atom is made up of ßeta-photons (electrons) and αlpha-photons (nucleons), theoretically, in a manner that nucleons are layered from the atomic center to balanous (valence) portion of the atom and capacitoric electrons are dented for each of these nucleons.
Every atom is made up of ßeta-photons (electrons) and αlpha-photons (nucleons), theoretically, in a manner that nucleons are layered from the atomic center to balanous (valence) portion of the atom and capacitoric electrons are dented for each of these nucleons.
Free electron varies in thickness. The possible thinnest electron is the electric thread that pierces in the atom and the much larger electron was the lightning shown below:(Picture source: Wide World)
As what is deduced from the picture below ,
- electrons or electric threads can be stretched when projected from a particle accelerator. When an electron is ionically projected into a capable medium, it may branch and move at many directions.
- Therefore, free-electron is an electric thread or a group of electric threads externally, electrically active and can electrostatically influence when moving in a capable molecule. Not-free-electron has two major parts: (1) atomic-electron, which is layered inductoric beta-photons inside and (2) pengraletic-electron, which is external beta-photons. Between atomic and pengraletic is the capacitoric portion at the back of the atom. In front of the atom is the tribo-photons, which become punching (heat) or extracting (cold). The typical ionic electron projected (emitted) from a typical cathodic atom has a thickness determinable by a Redoña electron’s radius formula:
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Insulator atoms are illustrated above
silicon & germanium atoms - P. Zahl, T. Wagner, R. Moller & A. Klust, “Open source scanning probe microscopy control software package Gxsm,” J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B 28 (2010). P. Zahl, M. Bierkandt, S. schroder, & A. klust, Rev. Sci. Insti. 74 (2003) 1222.
silicon molecules - Indi in the Wired
silicon-111 (7 x 7) surface - images from RHK-400 STM, UHV STM (manufacturer: RHK) /www.chem.utoronto.ca/~sdobrin/Research.htm
Silicon atoms replacing Tin atoms - Oscar Custance (CUSTANCE.Oscar@nims.go.jp) , National Institute for Materials Science, Japan. American Physical Society: Silicon Atoms Replacing Tin Atoms From 2009 APS March Meeting Paper
picture of Silicon & tin atoms Osaka University research team
Silicon atoms - IBM/ Science Photo Library
animated lightning - from www.mynicespace.com
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